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Saturday, 16 July 2011
Flashlight Taser: A 2-in-1 Self Defense Weapon
There are so many types of weapons that you can choose from when taking about your safety and security. You can use a real gun if you really want to but there is a need for you to secure the needed permits first. A real gun can be very effective but it is also very dangerous. This is why many people opt for using non-lethal weapons like a taser. This particular device comes in different forms like a flashlight taser/ taser flashlight. This is basically a flashlight and taser in one. So if you need light, you can use it as a plain flashlight and in case of an attack, you can use it as a taser.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:42 AM EDT
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Last Regrets
There is a woman at my workplace dying of breast cancer. It really makes one think about the things we don’t do, the things we put off, and what we might regret on our deathbed. If I only had a little time left, I would probably get married to my current boyfriend, and spend the rest of my time on some tropical island in the Pacific. I haven’t done this already because, well, I’m not old enough to be socially accepted as married, and tropical vacations are expensive for those of us who are planning on having some money for retirement.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:41 AM EDT
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Stun Gun: A Non - Lethal Yet Effective Weapon
In a state where stun is legally allowed, you will be able to find different types of stun guns like professional stun guns that are geared with various features and functionalities. You will be able to find a regular stun gun that is usually small, hand - held and has a rectangular shape. You can also find those that are in a form of a baton. These stun guns also differ in the amount of voltage that they produce. Some can only release a small amount of voltage and some are of very high voltage. But despite of the voltage that this particular device is able to discharge, it does not really cause serious harm to anyone who is stunned by the device because it is less than lethal.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:31 AM EDT
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The Invention That Changed Life on This Planet
While there have been hundreds of inventions that have changed the course of history, the one that I like most is the invention of use of electricity. Today electricity is what moves and powers most of the things in this world. From transportation, lights, to machines that manufacture thousands of different types of products, everything needs electricity to run. Even though electricity has been present even before the humans developed on this planet, it was Michael Faraday’s experiment and invention that helped move and power different types of machines. In today's world, the level of power consumption is an indicator of a country's development status.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:27 AM EDT
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The Road Less Traveled
If given the option of traveling to the future or visiting the past, I would have to select the future. There are definitely aspects that would trouble be about both, however. On one hand, I don’t think I would like the certainty that came with visiting the past, and that life would be difficult if you knew exactly what to expect. On the other hand, I think traveling to the future would be difficult, because I would always feel as if I had missed something important, like I had “cheated” to arrive at the end without working towards the result. Overall, I think the latter option would be more exciting and more fulfilling, so I would select to travel to the future.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:25 AM EDT
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Friday, 17 June 2011
The Importance of Defending Yourself
In the event of an attack or an assault, you can’t just let the attacker to win without giving him a good fight. Although it is a fact that some people just let themselves become victims rather than fighting back because they do not want to get hurt or die, this should not always be the case. Sticking with this fact is not the best thing for you to do because this can give the criminals and attackers to always make you are their victim. You have to know or learn how to defend yourself and you can perhaps use a stun gun for additional help.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:38 AM EDT
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Dear Time Machine

If I could go five years back in time, I’d kick myself into starting college sooner. Then I’d beat my brother until he agreed to do the same. Whoever said you can get by just fine without higher education wasn’t paying their own bills.  Then, I’d start putting money away for that hospital bill I had last year. Not a lot, just a little here and there. A little at a time adds up to a whole lot when you’re counting the zeros in the Emergency Room lobby.

Lastly, I’d kiss my grandmother more, and tell her how much I always loved her. You never really realize how much you want to hold someone until you can’t touch them anymore. Basically, if I could change the past, I’d be smarter about my future. I’d cherish those I no longer have with me, and I’d build a stronger foundation for the me that would some day exist. If I could go back in time, I’d also memorize the lotto numbers in advance.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:36 AM EDT
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Easy to Conceal Mini Stun Gun
Using a mini stun gun for self defense and protection is certainly a good idea. Aside from the evident fact that the device is an effective way to ward off an attacker, it is also easy to carry and conceal. From the name itself, it is a small device that usually has a rectangular shape and black color. But of course, you will be able to find those that have different shapes, colors and some added features. You can even find a cell phone that is also a stun gun. This means that anywhere you go, you can bring the device with you just to be prepared if something bad happens.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:33 AM EDT
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Success as an Inspiration
I am primarily inspired by my own desire to succeed. I look at each day as an opportunity for me to be the best person I can be in all facets of life and try to live as such. Sometimes small failures in this regard as just as important as major successes as it pushes me to strive to do better and maintains that innate desire to press forward with life to show what kind of person I can be. Another thing that inspires me is all of the loved ones I am surrounded by. Their importance to me also pushes me to do my best to make them proud and also to ensure they are provided for always.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:29 AM EDT
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Automobiles as Entertainment as Well a Necessity
My favorite invention would have to be the automobile. Not only am I fascinated by its inner workings and how it can take a very simple idea and turn it into a complex machine, but I also enjoy looking at the various types and styles. Automobiles are extremely useful in day to day activities for their obvious convenience, but I also genuinely enjoy the freedom that they provide.. It is a stress reliever for me to be able to just hop in the car and drive around and I really look forward to long drives. Although there have been many inventions that have greatly impacted society and culture, I have a hard time imagining the world today without automobiles in some shape or fashion.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:25 AM EDT
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