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Sunday, 23 October 2011
Learning About The Basics of Stun Guns
A stun gun is a device that is designed to send electric pulses to a person or animal for the purpose of subduing them. The name is an indicator of what it does. It “stuns” the body as it delivers these electrical impulses.

These guns come with different voltage levels. The ones that are considered with low voltage are those that deliver pulses of less than 1 million volts. The high ones are those that provide more than 3 million volts. They do not necessarily look like guns. They can just be a rectangular shaped product. But, there have been a lot of innovation in terms of the design, size and color of the stun gun.

Posted by coriwbaker at 10:22 AM EDT
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Sweet Dreams
There are many things that I look forward to in any given week, including, but not limited to: certain TV shows, outings with friends, taking bubble baths, finishing a good book, or getting a paycheck. But the thing that I can always look forward to is my bed. I have spent years adding comfortable features to my bed- down comforters, pillow-top mattress, fluffy mattress pads, soft sheets, and just right pillows. Since living with roommates, I have learned just how important my own bed is. Not only was it the most comfortable piece of furniture in the apartment, it was also the only piece that was just for me to use. It is my sacred place that provides comfort, a place to watch TV, a desk, and a reading area because the uses for a large flat space are unlimited. And I can look forward to eventually rolling into it almost every day. That is something that will not disappoint!

Posted by coriwbaker at 10:19 AM EDT
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Safety Measures in Using a Taser Gun
A Taser gun is designed in a way that using it in another person will be create permanent damage or result in serious injuries. However, misusing this device can cause harm and can even be fatal. Be responsible in using them. You do not own a Taser gun in order to play a trick on your friend. You have one because you need it to protect yourself. For police officers, they have Taser guns to subdue a suspect. When a gun with considerably high voltage is used for a long period, and sometimes, for repeated times, there can be negative effects. The person can suffer from a disruption in the rhythm of his heart beat. In extreme cases, the person can die.

Posted by coriwbaker at 10:15 AM EDT
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I like to think that I have some nice features, nice characteristics. Some of which being that I'm not too ugly by most people's standards, and that I'm not fat. I think my best ones are probably that I'm muscular, and strong - and I try to be a good person, a compassionate person, and honest person. Although, I am a bit too short for my preference, that is to say, I'd rather be taller - and sometimes I'd rather be even more muscular, Mr. Universe style or something. I wish I were smarter, too, and that I could change my lifestyle more easily to facilitate this and other changes that would benefit me - but perhaps that could be my best characteristic of all, is the ability to see things like that. Foresight, I think it's called. It doesn't work all the time, however, and a good thing to keep in mind no matter who you are is the old adage, "Hindsight is always 20/20".

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:32 AM EDT
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A Perk
One of the things that makes my life worth living is coffee. That's right, one of the things I look forward to the most every day is a nice warm cup of Folgers, Black Silk or Gourmet Supreme varieties. There's just something about it that's theraputic, soothing, and it really is a delicious drink. Of course, this is all preference, and you may not think so, but I love it, either black or with sugar, or even with sugar and creamer. I'll drink it with anything, any time of day, and it just makes me feel better to drink a cup of coffee - which is why I look forward to it almost more than anything else, getting a good cup of coffee in me when it's cold, late, or it's just been more than an hour.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:15 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Difference Between Stun Gun and Taser
There is big difference between stun gun and taser. Even both of them are use for self protection and can emit electricity that is not lethal but can still harm a person, the two of them are different. You use a stun gun for a long distance between you and the person you are aiming this for. That’s because when you are firing it, it emits a conductive wire where electricity passes through. The taser on the other hand is what you use when you are aiming it in close proximity. Overall though, both are great to protect you from criminals.

Posted by coriwbaker at 1:46 AM EDT
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Under The Sea
If I could live in the sea I would choose to be a mermaid. I know there are no mermaids, but people don’t live in the sea either, so I want to be a mermaid. They are beautiful and graceful. They have partners and can communicate with other creatures. They also don’t seem to be the exclusive prey to any other animals even though they surely have natural enemies. It would be exciting to swing through the sea, feeling the cool water all over and never having to come up for air. I would love to be a mermaid for a few years.

Posted by coriwbaker at 1:44 AM EDT
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Choosing Pink Stun Guns
Did you know that you can find personal protection items that can reflect your lifestyle? Take a pink stun gun for example, if you are a girly type of person this is a great thing to have. Not only that it can protect you but it can match your personality and can have a pleasant color that you can enjoy. You don’t have to be stuck with ordinary stun guns. You can choose one that is as colorful as a pink stun gun. As women nowadays, we need to have protection that can help us defend ourselves from criminals that are always after women.

Posted by coriwbaker at 1:42 AM EDT
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Dish for My Lifetime
As I am a crazy addict to food of all kinds and varieties I enjoy eating like a beast. If I am to restrict that to just three dishes I would not be that comfortable but still if I definitely had to make a choice my first choice was always the chicken rolls with sauce. I love to eat them all the day. Next choice would point to the delicious French burgers. The other thing is my favorite for dinners which people around the world call ‘Spagathi’. All three of them provided day in and day out I would die happily when it’s my end.

Posted by coriwbaker at 1:39 AM EDT
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Painting of Life
The best painting that I would demand to have seen is that one which M.F.Zaheer Husain painted which was placed in the MF Art gallery. I once had a chance to take a look at all his creativity and was amazed to be a part of the viewers. The one that stole my heart was his painting that portrayed a fact about life. He had made a modern art about killing of life through terrorism in a peculiar way that made even people cry. Really the best thing that people like him could create to bring some awareness amongst people. I would applaud him till my lifetime.

Posted by coriwbaker at 1:11 AM EDT
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