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Saturday, 17 March 2012
Reliable Outdoor Protection
There are people who have an adventurous behavior and choose to engage in camping or even mountain hiking. For them, it is their passion and at the same time, a way of self fulfillment. This happens because they achieve something that they ever wanted. Because they are frequently visiting various areas, there is a high chance that they may encounter perpetrators or even attackers. With this, it is better to carry devices like taser which can be reliable in times of threatening situation. This equipment can be store in the pocket so it can be access anytime. Moreover, there are stun guns which mimic the shape or edge of real gun which gives psychological anxiety to perpetrators. Bear in mind that it is good to become adventurous; however we must ensure our safety above all means.

Posted by coriwbaker at 8:32 AM EDT
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My friend turned words around the other day and said she needed to, “Bit a grab” rather than to “Grab a bite.” SO now we refer to meals we can pick up on the way home that will require little if any further preparation as “Bite-A-Grabs.” Today for dinner I had left over bite-a-grabs that were still quite tasty. The quiche had broccoli in it, and it was readily reheated in the microwave. The pickles with it were sweet gherkins, and the iced tea was Arizona brand with ginseng. I skipped the chicken salad for now but will probably make a snack of it later on. All this complimented my earlier lunch of an English muffin with blackberry jam topped with slivered almonds.

Posted by coriwbaker at 8:30 AM EDT
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My Best Defense
Apparently after graduation, we should learn to live alone and find a good job. It is our part of growing up wherein we need to become independent. As we go along, searching for new knowledge and abilities that we may apply in our career, there is also an increasing chance that we placed our safety into risks. This is the reason why we should be always equipped with non lethal devices that could protect us in times of danger. With this, tasers is good to reconsider. Aside from it prevents you from liabilities due to wrong use of self – defense, it has a high voltage with low amperage which hinders electrical burn to perpetrators.

Posted by coriwbaker at 8:29 AM EDT
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Your Fondest Party With Friends
My transfer to Florida from HQ had been almost a year ago. I, along with all office managers in our company, nationwide, had been summoned to HQ in PA for a three day meeting. I looked forward to going back home, but was a little sad because it coincided with a personal holiday. The meetings went well and I renewed relationships with other Managers and my old cohorts from HQ. On the last night, my best friend said she wanted to take me out for my birthday as we had not had a lot of time together due to the meetings. I looked forward to it and promised to meet her down in the dining room at 7. I went down and a waiter led me to a buffet room set up for a party. As I entered, all the people turned toward me and yelled “Happy 30th”! My sneaky friends gave me the best birthday party ever! 

Posted by coriwbaker at 8:27 AM EDT
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Rock and Roll Will Never Die
My favorite music would have to be rock. The music has always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember from Jimi hendrix when I was a kid to Nickelback as an adult. I love the beat, the volume which always has to be played loud and the good feeling you get when listening to it. This kind of music makes you want to drive fast and keeps you feeling young even when your body at times lets you know you’re not. Some of my favorite rock artists include Kiss, Motley Crue, and Bon Jovi. There are so many genres in rock music from soft rock to hard rock to metal there is something for everyone.

Posted by coriwbaker at 8:26 AM EDT
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Friday, 17 February 2012
Sports That I Play Regularly
I am a huge sports fanatic and enjoy watching almost all sports like tennis, football, hockey, badminton, X-games and many more. But my passion truly lies in basketball. It is a sport that I have loved to watch and play since a child. I used to take part in all sports events in my school. My coach started training me when I was in 6th grade and since then my love for the game has only grown more. Another sport that I play often is volleyball. Actually my friends used to say that I would never be able to play this sport due to my height and small stature. I guess that is what compelled me into playing it and proving them wrong.

Posted by coriwbaker at 1:50 PM EST
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Teen age Safety: Date Rape Prevention
Date rape is commonly called as acquaintance rape wherein perpetrator is known to victim. Nowadays, teen agers opt to socialize through going parties or events. They meet various people and sooner they become friends. If a child is too ‘naïve’, she can probably have difficulties in determining their peer’s hidden agenda, hence became prone to date rape. As parents, it is our obligation to guide our offspring particularly in choosing and dealing with their friends. If possible, to ascertain protection we equipped them a device that is non lethal like tazer. Reiterate the importance of maintaining self boundaries and never ever easily give their trust to someone who is newly met.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:54 PM EST
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Safety Precaution for Teens
With an increasing crime rate recently, it is understandable if we provide lots of safety measure to our children especially teen agers. This is the reason why we need to equipped them a kind of device like tazer guns that is safe to use yet can be reliable in life threatening situations. However, consult first to right authority about any law that governs weapon usage especially in minor ages. In this manner, you will be able to prevent liabilities through simply following rules and regulation. You may also enroll your kids on some classes that offers self defense 101. Bear in mind that when they learn something that can be used as a defense against perpetrators, their self confidence will be uplifted.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:53 PM EST
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Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Benefits of Having Internet
Internet to me is a means of being aware of my social surrounding. It started off as a means of acquiring unlimited information using search engines, the most popular being Google. But today, the internet has evolved from being a source of information to a platform for people to be connected. Social websites like face book, yahoo, twitter, LinkedIn are used by thousands of individuals on professional and personal fronts to connect with other people. It provides means for instant communication, business works, money transactions and so many more. Today the internet is also providing online jobs to people by staying at home itself. This increases its feasibility. Today almost all work can be done through internet. It keeps us sound to events happening all over the world in a matter of minutes.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:08 AM EST
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My Motivation
I had a rough time growing up because I was picked on, used, taken advantage of and treated badly in other ways by those I cared about most. It still happens occasionally, but I'm better able to deal with it now that I'm grown. The main reason I can deal so well is the fact that I'm the mother of three beautiful daughters. They're five; three and two and I know I have to be strong for them. I have to show them how to handle their problems correctly. Falling apart would do them a disservice because I want them to be able to hold it together in the face of adversity. They truly do motivate me to be a better, healthier person.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:05 AM EST
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