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Monday, 26 December 2011
Good day
If I had a $1000 shopping spree means I will choose a department store. Because I am not able to spend time with my mom. I will take my mom to department store and I will purchase some items to cook for my mom and dad. Especially I will buy potato to my parents because they will like to eat potato curry and fry. I will prepare the dishes what they like to eat, I will cook all items and serve them with my love and affection. Atleast I will spend time to them and I will make them happy. I also feel very happy to spend time with my parents and make them fly. Because they are god’s gift and also a second god.

Posted by coriwbaker at 6:04 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 26 December 2011 6:10 AM EST
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Favourite Job
I worked as a document assistant and computer operator in past. But now I am working in a private concern. Its one of the marketing and sales concern. Here most of the marketing guys working in it. I am a marketing manager, so I have to control all of them in the concern. But its little bit difficult to work with them, because they are not giving a proper report to me. So I have speak more to them, it’s a difficult one to control them but I like to do this job well. Because all are friendly to me and very supporting. It’s a different experience and a great way to mingle with everyone.

Posted by coriwbaker at 6:00 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 26 December 2011 6:01 AM EST
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Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Stun Gun: A Portable Self-Defense Device For Your Teenager
Want to buy self defense tool for your teenager? Have trouble deciding what is the right device to get your teens? If so, consider giving them pepper spray, taser or stun gun. These devices are not only compact and portable, they they are also effective in derailing abductors and perpetrators from attacking victims. Because they are very small, it can easily be hidden inside your children’s pockets or bags unnoticed. They can easily be hidden without the knowledge of anyone around. With this tool with them, you are at ease that your children will be safe wherever they go, especially when they are out of your house.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:46 PM EST
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Makes Good Stew
My weekend was a bit boring. No big adventures, but I did get out. Saturday, my boyfriend and I went to the farmer’s market at a local university. We ended up purchasing a bottle of nice white wine from a local vineyard, some foraged mushrooms, and a pound of ground yak meat and a pound of elk liver. The big surprise was the yak and elk items. A new shop set up in a pavilion next to the entrance, focused on exotic meat. I ended up starting a pate. Sunday was an antiquing trip to an old colony town near the coast. Lots of store, not a lot of unusual inventory for sale, though. I didn’t end up purchasing anything, but I did see some lovely Depression-era glassware, which would have been tempting had it not been both chipped and expensive.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:44 PM EST
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Stun Guns: The Perfect Self Defense Tool For Women
Being a woman has its corresponding limitations, especially when it comes to defending herself from abductors and perpetrators. Despite their weak and frail body, women can still defend themselves by means of pepper sprays, tasers and stun guns. These devices are small enough to be hidden inside their pockets and bags without the knowledge of everyone around them, especially their perpetrators. More so, these tools are strong enough to immobilize them to give you enough time to escape and to ask assistance from police officers. These devices also come in different styles and designs to further disguise them such as lipstick, cellphone, lighter and pen.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:43 PM EST
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Amazing Opportunity
If I had an amazing opportunity to win $1000 I would most definitely spend it at Wal*Mart. They contain a variety of things that my family and I would need in our everyday lives. It would be used to put dinner on the table, clothes on my children's back, and maybe even to get a few decorations for the house. It would be greatly used for groceries since that seems to be a majority of what our money goes too. Since we have to feed our three kids breakfast before school, pack their lunches and then cook them dinner when they arrive home from school.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:39 PM EST
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During Hardships
During hardships in my life I have had to except different jobs that is not really what I consider to be ideal. When I was 15 years old I had to accept a job as a dishwasher for this local restaurant. Since I was too young to do anything else especially drive and the place was in walking distance it was an opportunity that would be hard to turn down. When I turned 18 I wanted to get another job and ended up working at a very fast paced fast food restaurant. I love the fact that I interacted with other people at the fast food place but, hated how the people I worked with were not very helpful. They did not play in a team and work well with one another.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:32 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 30 November 2011 9:36 PM EST
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Sunday, 23 October 2011
Learning About The Basics of Stun Guns
A stun gun is a device that is designed to send electric pulses to a person or animal for the purpose of subduing them. The name is an indicator of what it does. It “stuns” the body as it delivers these electrical impulses.

These guns come with different voltage levels. The ones that are considered with low voltage are those that deliver pulses of less than 1 million volts. The high ones are those that provide more than 3 million volts. They do not necessarily look like guns. They can just be a rectangular shaped product. But, there have been a lot of innovation in terms of the design, size and color of the stun gun.

Posted by coriwbaker at 10:22 AM EDT
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Sweet Dreams
There are many things that I look forward to in any given week, including, but not limited to: certain TV shows, outings with friends, taking bubble baths, finishing a good book, or getting a paycheck. But the thing that I can always look forward to is my bed. I have spent years adding comfortable features to my bed- down comforters, pillow-top mattress, fluffy mattress pads, soft sheets, and just right pillows. Since living with roommates, I have learned just how important my own bed is. Not only was it the most comfortable piece of furniture in the apartment, it was also the only piece that was just for me to use. It is my sacred place that provides comfort, a place to watch TV, a desk, and a reading area because the uses for a large flat space are unlimited. And I can look forward to eventually rolling into it almost every day. That is something that will not disappoint!

Posted by coriwbaker at 10:19 AM EDT
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Safety Measures in Using a Taser Gun
A Taser gun is designed in a way that using it in another person will be create permanent damage or result in serious injuries. However, misusing this device can cause harm and can even be fatal. Be responsible in using them. You do not own a Taser gun in order to play a trick on your friend. You have one because you need it to protect yourself. For police officers, they have Taser guns to subdue a suspect. When a gun with considerably high voltage is used for a long period, and sometimes, for repeated times, there can be negative effects. The person can suffer from a disruption in the rhythm of his heart beat. In extreme cases, the person can die.

Posted by coriwbaker at 10:15 AM EDT
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