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Saturday, 17 March 2012
Your Fondest Party With Friends
My transfer to Florida from HQ had been almost a year ago. I, along with all office managers in our company, nationwide, had been summoned to HQ in PA for a three day meeting. I looked forward to going back home, but was a little sad because it coincided with a personal holiday. The meetings went well and I renewed relationships with other Managers and my old cohorts from HQ. On the last night, my best friend said she wanted to take me out for my birthday as we had not had a lot of time together due to the meetings. I looked forward to it and promised to meet her down in the dining room at 7. I went down and a waiter led me to a buffet room set up for a party. As I entered, all the people turned toward me and yelled “Happy 30th”! My sneaky friends gave me the best birthday party ever! 

Posted by coriwbaker at 8:27 AM EDT
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