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Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Using a Police Taser Gun as Protection
Did you notice that most policemen nowadays use a police taser gun when they are apprehending a suspect? You can use this too when you want a personal protection against attackers. Nowadays, more and more violent crimes have been occurring in our society. The best thing that you can do to protect yourself is carry a weapon that can protect you. Before you go buy a police taser gun, make sure though that you know how to use it. it is also better that you have it charge before leaving your home. It would be a disaster if you didn’t charge your taser gun and then you use it.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:58 AM EST
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My Lovely Ipod Touch!!!
Since I got my ipod touch, it is all I do in my spare time. I love to download new games and applications and try them out. I love it a lot and can’t stand if anyone talks rubbish or does any act that could damage it. Whenever I finish all my work, or am tired of doing it, I take it out of my pocket and get started. It is very addicting. I handle it with extreme care. I try to control myself, for if I play on it too much, my eyes will strain and get spoilt. I play many different types of games but my favorite is racing. I am just mad over them. I wish it stays with me forever and ever.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:57 AM EST
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Spy Gear as Gifts
If you are looking for the perfect gift for someone who like spy movies and detective novels, then you can give them the ultimate gift. Their very own spy gear! By doing this, you are making the relive their favorite stories about spies and detective work. This can be useful when they want to spy or recreate their favorite scenes. What’s great about spy gear is that you can choose the items. You can choose from different type of cameras that have different kind of models now. Each of these cameras is on different kind of camouflage that cannot be detected by other people easily. Try it out now and give spy gear as gifts.  

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:54 AM EST
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Remembrance of Things Past
When something becomes all pervasive, like the internet or later phenomena like Facebook, you have to wonder what it will be like if they are still around in twenty years. Older parts of the internet like Geocities have been shut down, quietly erasing thousands of websites in the process. In another ten years we could see the end of Myspace, countless search engines and Craigslist. When twenty years goes by, will anyone care about flame wars on or will it all be confined to the dustbin of history?  I’ll be looking forward to all the history that’s written about the “good old days” of the nineties.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:53 AM EST
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A While Away
Western Australia has one of the most isolated state capital cities in the world. One of the strange things about living here in Perth is that it can be cheaper to fly to Bali than to other parts of WA. If you time your holiday right, you could get to Malaysia, Hong Kong or Singapore cheaper than getting to Queensland. Everywhere is so far from Perth the comparisons are quite boggling. Perth to Broome is 2176 kilometres, the equivalent of flying from London to St. Petersburg.  I’ve done the Broome trip on a Greyhound bus and I certainly regretted I wasn’t on a plane to Russia by the end of it.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:50 AM EST
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Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Non-lethal Weapons For Your Personal Protection
The threat that crimes such as holdups, robbery, theft, murder and rape are very real. We can never be too complacent or we could easily lose your life. That is why there are many companies that tries their best to address the citizen's need for personal protection. Now thanks to them, we now have access to some of the most reliable self defense weapons such as a stun gun, pepper spray and stun batons. This weapons gives us the ability to fight back against the attacker. Thanks to the rapid growth of technology and to the hard work of self defense weapon manufacturers, our main concern for personal protection are addressed.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:03 PM EST
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That was the day
That was 18/04/2009 & that day, me and my friends are going to a trip. That time around 8am, we were very happy by going a 6 bikes - 12 members team and journey to 100km. When we are coming back to home, at around 3:50pm, I met an accident with my friend and my bike and both of us got injured.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:00 PM EST
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Address Your Personal Security With the Taser Gun
We live in an extremely dangerous world, that is a fact. Even if you are in the nicest neighborhood, the fact that crimes are arbitrary does not exempt you from being a potential victim. Fortunately there are weapons that one can use in order gain leverage against his or her attacker. And one of the most effective example of such weapons is the taser gun. Once fired, the taser gun will release a high voltage current that will quickly disable the target. The electric current is non-lethal so you do not need to worry about killing anyone, it only gives you enough time to escape and report to the incident to the authorities. So wherever you go, be sure to always carry a taser gun with you.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:56 AM EST
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Fond Memories
Memorable Vacations, that's a difficult question to answer, but still  the best I would consider would be my childhood days when I come to my Grandma's house when schools are closed to vacation. All my cousins will also come down  and the whole house will be filled with children running around. Grandma will prepare  many snacks for us to eat now and then. Being a village area, there were pools and river nearby and our uncles used to take us to the river for swimming. It was in fact there, we learned swimming. They used to throw us about 10 – 15  mtrs  or so and then ask to come back to shore. That was the teaching method for swimming. I was fun, 2 -3 meterss in water, jumping, spalsing etc. Sometimes, we used to take fishing rod to catch fish. All children used to accompany Grandama to the temple every evening. We used to go for movies in a nearby theater. Uncles used to hand 2 -3 swings on the mango trees and we used to compete as to how high you can swing, occasionally falls down also. This is the most memorable vacation, it's difficult to forget those good days.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:54 AM EST
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Its My Life
I spend my spare time doing various things of my house chores. I clean the lights, fans etc, which is  difficult for the ladies in the house. I check the water pumps and do a little repair works if any (like faulty switches, connection issues, leakages in pipes etc). I have a small garden, where we had planned some vegetables for our daily use and I  also work there. I love movies and do see a lot of them. I also listen to music and read book. I don't prefer novels, but like to read articles / books  on current affairs, marketing etc. I go to the temple, where there is 'annadanam' (giving food to poor), help others in preparing food and serving to the needy.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:47 AM EST
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