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Monday, 28 March 2011
The Extraordinary Spy Camera
Everything seems to be going pocket-sized. Before, we are used to having anything huge, huge cellular phones, laptops, and the like. Nowadays, we can have things in micro version. This technology includes spy cameras. The camera is so tiny, just about the size of your thumb. This also has a high resolution video and can also act as a web cam. It has an 8 gigabyte storage memory. It can also record clear audio. This is also very convenient to use because you need not regularly charge it or have to replace batteries. It has a recording capacity of 250 hours.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:35 AM EDT
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My Mom Changed My Life
The strongest influence I have ever or will ever meet that has influenced my life is my mother.  She is the strongest and undoubtedly the smartest woman I know.  I have just come to respect the fact that my mom typically beats me at every game or fight we will ever have.  A woman who has continuously fought for not only her life, but mine.  She would sacrifice her needs just to supply my wants.  This woman has shown me what gratitude is.  I could have turned out spoiled, but the hardships in life made me realize that she would sacrifice her happiness for mine.  This has humbled me, and allowed me to respect every little thing a person does for me.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:29 AM EDT
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The Amazing Spy Gear
Spy gears aren’t meant for spies alone. Even ordinary people can also possess spy gears. Technology has brought so many new innovations. These spy gears are really versatile and comes in a very stealthy fashion. There are spy sunglasses and spy remote control car keys. The spy sunglasses have really cool features. No one can really tell that you are already recording a video. With its excellent performance, the price is worth splurging on. It also has a built in memory card in it. The storage memory is large enough to record everything. The spy key also has the same cool features.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:25 AM EDT
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Change Almost Everything
Hah, I would love to change almost everything about the world if I could. I don't know too much about local community positions, except for local Member of Parliament, and I, myself, would not want to take that role. I would much rather be the power behind the throne, rather than sit on the throne myself. After an article I've just read, I would probably take over the Department of Liquor Licensing and Gambling, just because these guys are bloody terrible at it. My home town is a nanny state and I think the guys in power at the moment would love to make alcohol illegal if they could. You should see their ridiculous reasons for denying every liquor license for the last three months...Unrelated (kind of), on a global or even country scale, I would enforce separation of church and state.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:20 AM EDT
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Rummikub, I think it was called. There's a similar card game called Rummy that I occassionally like to play when I can remember it. I didn't really have friends or anything when I was young, so any games I played was always with my mum and whoever she was dating at the time. I can't say why I liked it, except that I guess I didn't have many games back then. I still enjoy games a lot these days. My husband and I buy board games on occassion and often play with other friends who also own games. Back then we also played Yahtzee and Monopoly. Maybe some other card games that I don't remember. There was also a video game called Alex Kidd that I loved in my teenage-ish years. I played that on my own though, it was one player.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:17 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Stun Gun Reviews
If you are looking for an online review about stun guns or any related stun gun reviews, you can visit the gun shops available in the online market. Such review tackles the latest information about stun guns and how do this weapon work. Especially on the special precautions needed when carrying this kind of gun. You will learn the know-how of the weapon as well as its basic features. Stun guns are common in the armed forces of the state and indeed only few were given the opportunity to have it. Carrying this kind of weapon really needs a basic training enable to avoid harming one’s self or other innocent people.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:35 PM EST
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If I get a chance to visit a country free, I will select Vatican to visit because it is the holy place to see. There is only one ambition in my mind to meet the pope from Vatican. I want to see the cathedral and the places where saints crucified. They gave their blood for keeping their belief. Visiting this place is the completion of my ambition. I ask the pope to give me a rosary to pray and show my friends and family to prove I have visited Vatican and saw Pope. Rest of my life will be satisfied and I will be happy.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:32 PM EST
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Scrabbling my Way to a Good Vocabulary
Scrabble.  Since I have always lived in a large joint family, I remember spending the lazy summer afternoons and especially those of the holidays, on rounds and rounds of scrabble. That yearning to learn new words and forming words with limited alphabets ignited in me a fire to better my vocabulary as much as I could. In fact reading the dictionary regularly was one of the offshoots that I developed because of Scrabble. Though over the years, I find little time to indulge in the game of scrabble, but till date it remains my favorite game to spend my time on.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:27 PM EST
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Police Taser Gun
Police taser gun are made to increase the chance of solving crime related issues and indeed the government spend millions to implement this move. Police taser gun is made up of fine material especially created to last on combats and other operations. It is highly effective in battles such as wars, peace promotions and a lot more. A trained police is required before he can use this weapon because it requires a specific skill in manipulation. Also, a license it needed when a police or civilian carry this kind of weapon when he is out in the public enable to avoid threatening other civilians.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:11 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 2 March 2011 11:14 PM EST
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What my Favorite Book Taught Me
Yes, a book did change my in a way and it was The Alchemist. It is the book which instilled the confidence that I found dipping over the years and reaffirmed my faith in believing in my dreams. It tells you that just in case we happen to believe in our dreams, the whole universe converges to make the dream come true. But for the same you’ve got slog it out. Moral of the story is: believe in your dreams, chase them, work hard; it is for sure that nobody will ever be able to take away your share of success.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:01 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 2 March 2011 11:22 PM EST
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