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Thursday, 19 May 2011
How to Be Rich
I have nothing against the life I am living now. I mean I am perfectly happy with my family even though we are not super rich but out of curiosity I always wonder how it feels like to be super rich like the socialites and billionaires we see on TV or read in magazines. It must be cool to have personal security guards, cook, hairstylist, and personal assistant. However, when you think about it, they also have not much privacy because when you are rich, the public’s eyes are on you always. So with that, I am just contented with the life I have now.

Posted by coriwbaker at 5:27 AM EDT
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With The Things I Know Now
The last five years of my life have been a whirlwind. I have gotten married, I have purchased a house. I have graduated from college with a second degree; I have gotten a job at a reputable company that is as stable a job as I think you can find in this economy. I could change a lot, but I would change almost nothing. I see where my life is headed and I love it. I think I’m on track for a fantastic two thirds of life that I have left. Could I make things easier if I had taken a job that might have a better future? Maybe. Could I have built a house with a little more flair after discovering that it would only affect my mortgage by about a buck? Sure. But it wouldn’t lead me to where I am today, and I like where I am today.

Posted by coriwbaker at 5:25 AM EDT
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Girl Has The Tools
My cousin has always been the intelligent one in the family. She’s been in the honor roll ever since she was in 1st grade but what I didn’t know is that she’s also pro in terms of self defense too. Last week, we went out for some girls’ night out. I invited her to join me and my other friends and she agreed. When we were in the car on our way home, I asked if she has candy and she looked for some inside her bag and there I saw that she brought mace spray and some other. Woah the girl has the tools she needs to defend herself and us too. She said, she learned some self defense moves and I admire her more because of what I learned.

Posted by coriwbaker at 5:22 AM EDT
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Day In and Day Out
If “day in and day out” means my job in particular, I’d have to say that I’m inspired by the hope that things will get better. The economy is down for everyone right now, so I’m grateful to just have a job that provides good benefits, but I do have hope that things will be different and better in the near future. If “day in and day out” refers to daily living, then I’d have to say that I’m inspired and motivated by the things that I enjoy daily – talking to my husband, cooking, playing with my cat, reading good books etc.

Posted by coriwbaker at 5:19 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 19 May 2011 5:22 AM EDT
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Sewing Machine
This may change, but currently, my favorite invention is the sewing machine. I have an older one from the 1950s, but I’m still amazed by what it does. We recently moved and got some new furniture and I wanted some throw pillows, but didn’t want to spend upwards of $40 for just one decorative pillow. I had inherited this sewing machine and made a few trips to some fabric stores to see what ideas percolated. I initially intended to make plain square pillows, but as I started, the possibilities that the sewing machine allowed me opened the doors to creating some really unique throw pillows that are beautiful and a lot of fun to make.

Posted by coriwbaker at 5:18 AM EDT
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Monday, 28 March 2011
The Extraordinary Spy Camera
Everything seems to be going pocket-sized. Before, we are used to having anything huge, huge cellular phones, laptops, and the like. Nowadays, we can have things in micro version. This technology includes spy cameras. The camera is so tiny, just about the size of your thumb. This also has a high resolution video and can also act as a web cam. It has an 8 gigabyte storage memory. It can also record clear audio. This is also very convenient to use because you need not regularly charge it or have to replace batteries. It has a recording capacity of 250 hours.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:35 AM EDT
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My Mom Changed My Life
The strongest influence I have ever or will ever meet that has influenced my life is my mother.  She is the strongest and undoubtedly the smartest woman I know.  I have just come to respect the fact that my mom typically beats me at every game or fight we will ever have.  A woman who has continuously fought for not only her life, but mine.  She would sacrifice her needs just to supply my wants.  This woman has shown me what gratitude is.  I could have turned out spoiled, but the hardships in life made me realize that she would sacrifice her happiness for mine.  This has humbled me, and allowed me to respect every little thing a person does for me.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:29 AM EDT
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The Amazing Spy Gear
Spy gears aren’t meant for spies alone. Even ordinary people can also possess spy gears. Technology has brought so many new innovations. These spy gears are really versatile and comes in a very stealthy fashion. There are spy sunglasses and spy remote control car keys. The spy sunglasses have really cool features. No one can really tell that you are already recording a video. With its excellent performance, the price is worth splurging on. It also has a built in memory card in it. The storage memory is large enough to record everything. The spy key also has the same cool features.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:25 AM EDT
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Change Almost Everything
Hah, I would love to change almost everything about the world if I could. I don't know too much about local community positions, except for local Member of Parliament, and I, myself, would not want to take that role. I would much rather be the power behind the throne, rather than sit on the throne myself. After an article I've just read, I would probably take over the Department of Liquor Licensing and Gambling, just because these guys are bloody terrible at it. My home town is a nanny state and I think the guys in power at the moment would love to make alcohol illegal if they could. You should see their ridiculous reasons for denying every liquor license for the last three months...Unrelated (kind of), on a global or even country scale, I would enforce separation of church and state.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:20 AM EDT
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Rummikub, I think it was called. There's a similar card game called Rummy that I occassionally like to play when I can remember it. I didn't really have friends or anything when I was young, so any games I played was always with my mum and whoever she was dating at the time. I can't say why I liked it, except that I guess I didn't have many games back then. I still enjoy games a lot these days. My husband and I buy board games on occassion and often play with other friends who also own games. Back then we also played Yahtzee and Monopoly. Maybe some other card games that I don't remember. There was also a video game called Alex Kidd that I loved in my teenage-ish years. I played that on my own though, it was one player.

Posted by coriwbaker at 9:17 AM EDT
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