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Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Difference Between Stun Gun and Taser
There is big difference between stun gun and taser. Even both of them are use for self protection and can emit electricity that is not lethal but can still harm a person, the two of them are different. You use a stun gun for a long distance between you and the person you are aiming this for. That’s because when you are firing it, it emits a conductive wire where electricity passes through. The taser on the other hand is what you use when you are aiming it in close proximity. Overall though, both are great to protect you from criminals.

Posted by coriwbaker at 1:46 AM EDT
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Under The Sea
If I could live in the sea I would choose to be a mermaid. I know there are no mermaids, but people don’t live in the sea either, so I want to be a mermaid. They are beautiful and graceful. They have partners and can communicate with other creatures. They also don’t seem to be the exclusive prey to any other animals even though they surely have natural enemies. It would be exciting to swing through the sea, feeling the cool water all over and never having to come up for air. I would love to be a mermaid for a few years.

Posted by coriwbaker at 1:44 AM EDT
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Choosing Pink Stun Guns
Did you know that you can find personal protection items that can reflect your lifestyle? Take a pink stun gun for example, if you are a girly type of person this is a great thing to have. Not only that it can protect you but it can match your personality and can have a pleasant color that you can enjoy. You don’t have to be stuck with ordinary stun guns. You can choose one that is as colorful as a pink stun gun. As women nowadays, we need to have protection that can help us defend ourselves from criminals that are always after women.

Posted by coriwbaker at 1:42 AM EDT
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Dish for My Lifetime
As I am a crazy addict to food of all kinds and varieties I enjoy eating like a beast. If I am to restrict that to just three dishes I would not be that comfortable but still if I definitely had to make a choice my first choice was always the chicken rolls with sauce. I love to eat them all the day. Next choice would point to the delicious French burgers. The other thing is my favorite for dinners which people around the world call ‘Spagathi’. All three of them provided day in and day out I would die happily when it’s my end.

Posted by coriwbaker at 1:39 AM EDT
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Painting of Life
The best painting that I would demand to have seen is that one which M.F.Zaheer Husain painted which was placed in the MF Art gallery. I once had a chance to take a look at all his creativity and was amazed to be a part of the viewers. The one that stole my heart was his painting that portrayed a fact about life. He had made a modern art about killing of life through terrorism in a peculiar way that made even people cry. Really the best thing that people like him could create to bring some awareness amongst people. I would applaud him till my lifetime.

Posted by coriwbaker at 1:11 AM EDT
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Sunday, 14 August 2011
Human’s unending search for newly sophisticated gadgets, more convenient gadgets and more affordable gadgets that requires less documents to be carried is a very crucial issue nowadays. They come up with a tool wherein people will feel comfortable to walk anywhere since they have a tangible proactive device with them, their tazors. This can produce minimal damage but would really strike those offenders who would like to steal something from you. There are other tools also such as pepper sprays and many more. But according to studies being conducted by safety institutes, the most effective one is the use of tazors.

Posted by coriwbaker at 2:47 PM EDT
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The Day I Move to Wisconsin
First thing I'd change about my life is where I live, because I'm sick of the scenery and kind of people that live here. Second I'd erase all debt I had, because I'd like to not have to worry about it in the long run. Third thing I'd change is my phone number, so no money hungry beggars could beggar me. Fourth I'd buy all new cars and some new tricked out toys, because if you got the money, you might as well enjoy life. Lastly I'd donate a third of my remaining money to charity so i could change my view on how greedy i am.

Posted by coriwbaker at 2:46 PM EDT
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Stun Guns for Sale
When looking for websites on stun guns for sale, keep in mind to assess if the website is really a certified stun gun provider and distributor because there are already existing products nowadays that has an increased risk of harm to its users and even to its targets. There have been identified stun gun outlets which have a non registered products and this is very threatening to its users since this was not verified by the safety commission whether the stun gun had passed specific criteria to be distributed in the market. Better be safe and it pays to check the label.

Posted by coriwbaker at 2:44 PM EDT
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My Aquatic Life
I have actually thought about how cool it would be to live underwater for a while now, but as a human. So to hear the question what would I be is a little strange for me. What I envision was a sort of underwater Atlantis thing, with glass corridors and submarines running all over the place. I read a book about that sort of place a long time ago, but I can't remember what it was called. I guess if I would make any modifications, it would be a Kevin Costner in "Water World" sort of thing, where I have gills and webbed feet and am a fantastic swimmer.

Posted by coriwbaker at 2:26 PM EDT
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Heaven on Earth
Heaven is a human construct that is used to instill a certain set of moral beliefs and normative behaviors. There is nothing inherently wrong with that, but given that the ideas people have about heaven and the afterlife, we should be careful and deliberate about what version we advocate. I personally believe that heaven should be viewed as a potential state of existence. Not somewhere far away or after death, but a potential condition of life on Earth. If we destroy our planet and each other, we will quickly find ourselves living in hell. If we build each other up and create a healthy, happy, and sustainable society, we will find ourselves in heaven. Everything is relative.

Posted by coriwbaker at 2:19 PM EDT
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