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Friday, 17 June 2011
Dear Time Machine

If I could go five years back in time, I’d kick myself into starting college sooner. Then I’d beat my brother until he agreed to do the same. Whoever said you can get by just fine without higher education wasn’t paying their own bills.  Then, I’d start putting money away for that hospital bill I had last year. Not a lot, just a little here and there. A little at a time adds up to a whole lot when you’re counting the zeros in the Emergency Room lobby.

Lastly, I’d kiss my grandmother more, and tell her how much I always loved her. You never really realize how much you want to hold someone until you can’t touch them anymore. Basically, if I could change the past, I’d be smarter about my future. I’d cherish those I no longer have with me, and I’d build a stronger foundation for the me that would some day exist. If I could go back in time, I’d also memorize the lotto numbers in advance.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:36 AM EDT
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