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Thursday, 17 May 2012
Valuable Family Tradition
The sincerely followed tradition followed in my family which I want to pass on to my children is "Men giving preference to women and to treasure them." I am born in an orthodox family where women are not allowed to go to study, work, or to live the life as a man. Each and every action of a woman is restricted. There were days in the past where I started breaking the rules and raised voice against this saying that this is kind of a slavery and what not. But when years passed by, I came to understand the secret beneath those restrictions; actually to call it restriction is wrong, it was a tradition followed. I was deeply touched when I understood how a woman was treasured by not allowed to go to work. I realized this only when I had to run out and face this competitive world to make money for my living. When I return home tired, there is no one to solace because everyone is tired as I am. But in olden days, in my family, the woman had to remain home, raise children, take care of husband, relatives, manage financial part, household works etc., and she was the pillar of that fort. So when the man comes home tired she is there to lend her shoulders where he can rest. This value for woman is the tradition that I want to pass on to my children because now we have reached an era where man is in lookout for a working partner to have a lavish living. But I would teach my children Peace is the most important thing in life than MONEY.

Posted by coriwbaker at 3:39 AM EDT
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