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Thursday, 17 May 2012
Taser Gun: Knowing More About The Weapon
Have you ever heard of a taser gun? This is an electronic device use for protection. This is normally used by police officers to knock down bad guys. This is harmless because it won’t do any harm to your body. This would just give you time to escape any danger or immobilize a criminal.

Here are some of its functions and benefits: it normally affects neuromuscular incapacitation, and the devices’ mechanism is Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) Technology. Anyone who will be struck by a taser will experience stimulation of his or her sensory nerves and motor nerves which will result in strong involuntary muscle contractions. You can also adjust the level of its power depending on how much electric power or mode you want to apply. This device is already tested and proven to knock out a person. That’s why if you are looking for something that can protect you in times of danger then this is the right device that you need for yourself.

Posted by coriwbaker at 3:42 AM EDT
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Taser c2 For Your Own Protection
Do you want something with you that can protect you from any attackers or danger? You can have a taser c2 which is now available in the market. This is a new device that anyone can use for their protection. The best thing about this device is it very handy and easy to carry. You can simply carry this in your pocket. But before you buy this device, make sure that you do a background check so you would have an idea how to use it.

This is really a great device that that is especially made for protection. You may not know when your attackers may attack you so it’s better that you are ready all the time. You can buy this in the market in a very affordable price, or you can buy them online if you are too busy to go to the store, and the best part about buying them online is you can get the best deal.

Posted by coriwbaker at 3:41 AM EDT
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Lucky Me?
If I won the lottery I would buy a couple of thousand acres of land and start a self-sufficient community. I would allow different people to live on the land and participate in the community as long as they were willing to follow the rules that I would write up to govern the community. The community would be a launching ground to help people get out of debt, become self-sufficient and eventually be able to own their own place. It would be a way for me to help build back the economy of the United States. It would allow me to help teach the young people which are the future of our country better morals and values over what they are currently being taught by the public school system. I want to teach them to be self-reliant and dependable citizens.

Posted by coriwbaker at 3:40 AM EDT
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Valuable Family Tradition
The sincerely followed tradition followed in my family which I want to pass on to my children is "Men giving preference to women and to treasure them." I am born in an orthodox family where women are not allowed to go to study, work, or to live the life as a man. Each and every action of a woman is restricted. There were days in the past where I started breaking the rules and raised voice against this saying that this is kind of a slavery and what not. But when years passed by, I came to understand the secret beneath those restrictions; actually to call it restriction is wrong, it was a tradition followed. I was deeply touched when I understood how a woman was treasured by not allowed to go to work. I realized this only when I had to run out and face this competitive world to make money for my living. When I return home tired, there is no one to solace because everyone is tired as I am. But in olden days, in my family, the woman had to remain home, raise children, take care of husband, relatives, manage financial part, household works etc., and she was the pillar of that fort. So when the man comes home tired she is there to lend her shoulders where he can rest. This value for woman is the tradition that I want to pass on to my children because now we have reached an era where man is in lookout for a working partner to have a lavish living. But I would teach my children Peace is the most important thing in life than MONEY.

Posted by coriwbaker at 3:39 AM EDT
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Greatest Invention of Man
When I think of greatest invention by man, I can think of many, not one, like numbers, tyres, electricity and still the list goes on. These may sound silly but we use them in our daily life, unlimited. We really don't realize their importance of their role in our day to day life, maybe because they are available in abundant. The usage of numbers in our life has become unavoidable. Without numbers what would have been happening instead? The same way, without invention of tyres how will the vehicles move though we have petrol wells. In olden days electricity was referred to as removing darkness and used only in the nights but in present scenario the whole world would come to still 24*7 without electricity! That's the reason I believe that these are the greatest inventions by man, which can stop the world from its run.

Posted by coriwbaker at 3:38 AM EDT
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Saturday, 17 March 2012
Reliable Outdoor Protection
There are people who have an adventurous behavior and choose to engage in camping or even mountain hiking. For them, it is their passion and at the same time, a way of self fulfillment. This happens because they achieve something that they ever wanted. Because they are frequently visiting various areas, there is a high chance that they may encounter perpetrators or even attackers. With this, it is better to carry devices like taser which can be reliable in times of threatening situation. This equipment can be store in the pocket so it can be access anytime. Moreover, there are stun guns which mimic the shape or edge of real gun which gives psychological anxiety to perpetrators. Bear in mind that it is good to become adventurous; however we must ensure our safety above all means.

Posted by coriwbaker at 8:32 AM EDT
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My friend turned words around the other day and said she needed to, “Bit a grab” rather than to “Grab a bite.” SO now we refer to meals we can pick up on the way home that will require little if any further preparation as “Bite-A-Grabs.” Today for dinner I had left over bite-a-grabs that were still quite tasty. The quiche had broccoli in it, and it was readily reheated in the microwave. The pickles with it were sweet gherkins, and the iced tea was Arizona brand with ginseng. I skipped the chicken salad for now but will probably make a snack of it later on. All this complimented my earlier lunch of an English muffin with blackberry jam topped with slivered almonds.

Posted by coriwbaker at 8:30 AM EDT
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My Best Defense
Apparently after graduation, we should learn to live alone and find a good job. It is our part of growing up wherein we need to become independent. As we go along, searching for new knowledge and abilities that we may apply in our career, there is also an increasing chance that we placed our safety into risks. This is the reason why we should be always equipped with non lethal devices that could protect us in times of danger. With this, tasers is good to reconsider. Aside from it prevents you from liabilities due to wrong use of self – defense, it has a high voltage with low amperage which hinders electrical burn to perpetrators.

Posted by coriwbaker at 8:29 AM EDT
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Your Fondest Party With Friends
My transfer to Florida from HQ had been almost a year ago. I, along with all office managers in our company, nationwide, had been summoned to HQ in PA for a three day meeting. I looked forward to going back home, but was a little sad because it coincided with a personal holiday. The meetings went well and I renewed relationships with other Managers and my old cohorts from HQ. On the last night, my best friend said she wanted to take me out for my birthday as we had not had a lot of time together due to the meetings. I looked forward to it and promised to meet her down in the dining room at 7. I went down and a waiter led me to a buffet room set up for a party. As I entered, all the people turned toward me and yelled “Happy 30th”! My sneaky friends gave me the best birthday party ever! 

Posted by coriwbaker at 8:27 AM EDT
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Rock and Roll Will Never Die
My favorite music would have to be rock. The music has always been a part of my life for as long as I can remember from Jimi hendrix when I was a kid to Nickelback as an adult. I love the beat, the volume which always has to be played loud and the good feeling you get when listening to it. This kind of music makes you want to drive fast and keeps you feeling young even when your body at times lets you know you’re not. Some of my favorite rock artists include Kiss, Motley Crue, and Bon Jovi. There are so many genres in rock music from soft rock to hard rock to metal there is something for everyone.

Posted by coriwbaker at 8:26 AM EDT
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