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Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Stun Gun Reviews
If you are looking for an online review about stun guns or any related stun gun reviews, you can visit the gun shops available in the online market. Such review tackles the latest information about stun guns and how do this weapon work. Especially on the special precautions needed when carrying this kind of gun. You will learn the know-how of the weapon as well as its basic features. Stun guns are common in the armed forces of the state and indeed only few were given the opportunity to have it. Carrying this kind of weapon really needs a basic training enable to avoid harming one’s self or other innocent people.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:35 PM EST
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If I get a chance to visit a country free, I will select Vatican to visit because it is the holy place to see. There is only one ambition in my mind to meet the pope from Vatican. I want to see the cathedral and the places where saints crucified. They gave their blood for keeping their belief. Visiting this place is the completion of my ambition. I ask the pope to give me a rosary to pray and show my friends and family to prove I have visited Vatican and saw Pope. Rest of my life will be satisfied and I will be happy.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:32 PM EST
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Scrabbling my Way to a Good Vocabulary
Scrabble.  Since I have always lived in a large joint family, I remember spending the lazy summer afternoons and especially those of the holidays, on rounds and rounds of scrabble. That yearning to learn new words and forming words with limited alphabets ignited in me a fire to better my vocabulary as much as I could. In fact reading the dictionary regularly was one of the offshoots that I developed because of Scrabble. Though over the years, I find little time to indulge in the game of scrabble, but till date it remains my favorite game to spend my time on.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:27 PM EST
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Police Taser Gun
Police taser gun are made to increase the chance of solving crime related issues and indeed the government spend millions to implement this move. Police taser gun is made up of fine material especially created to last on combats and other operations. It is highly effective in battles such as wars, peace promotions and a lot more. A trained police is required before he can use this weapon because it requires a specific skill in manipulation. Also, a license it needed when a police or civilian carry this kind of weapon when he is out in the public enable to avoid threatening other civilians.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:11 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 2 March 2011 11:14 PM EST
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What my Favorite Book Taught Me
Yes, a book did change my in a way and it was The Alchemist. It is the book which instilled the confidence that I found dipping over the years and reaffirmed my faith in believing in my dreams. It tells you that just in case we happen to believe in our dreams, the whole universe converges to make the dream come true. But for the same you’ve got slog it out. Moral of the story is: believe in your dreams, chase them, work hard; it is for sure that nobody will ever be able to take away your share of success.

Posted by coriwbaker at 11:01 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 2 March 2011 11:22 PM EST
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Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Using a Police Taser Gun as Protection
Did you notice that most policemen nowadays use a police taser gun when they are apprehending a suspect? You can use this too when you want a personal protection against attackers. Nowadays, more and more violent crimes have been occurring in our society. The best thing that you can do to protect yourself is carry a weapon that can protect you. Before you go buy a police taser gun, make sure though that you know how to use it. it is also better that you have it charge before leaving your home. It would be a disaster if you didn’t charge your taser gun and then you use it.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:58 AM EST
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My Lovely Ipod Touch!!!
Since I got my ipod touch, it is all I do in my spare time. I love to download new games and applications and try them out. I love it a lot and can’t stand if anyone talks rubbish or does any act that could damage it. Whenever I finish all my work, or am tired of doing it, I take it out of my pocket and get started. It is very addicting. I handle it with extreme care. I try to control myself, for if I play on it too much, my eyes will strain and get spoilt. I play many different types of games but my favorite is racing. I am just mad over them. I wish it stays with me forever and ever.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:57 AM EST
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Spy Gear as Gifts
If you are looking for the perfect gift for someone who like spy movies and detective novels, then you can give them the ultimate gift. Their very own spy gear! By doing this, you are making the relive their favorite stories about spies and detective work. This can be useful when they want to spy or recreate their favorite scenes. What’s great about spy gear is that you can choose the items. You can choose from different type of cameras that have different kind of models now. Each of these cameras is on different kind of camouflage that cannot be detected by other people easily. Try it out now and give spy gear as gifts.  

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:54 AM EST
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Remembrance of Things Past
When something becomes all pervasive, like the internet or later phenomena like Facebook, you have to wonder what it will be like if they are still around in twenty years. Older parts of the internet like Geocities have been shut down, quietly erasing thousands of websites in the process. In another ten years we could see the end of Myspace, countless search engines and Craigslist. When twenty years goes by, will anyone care about flame wars on or will it all be confined to the dustbin of history?  I’ll be looking forward to all the history that’s written about the “good old days” of the nineties.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:53 AM EST
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A While Away
Western Australia has one of the most isolated state capital cities in the world. One of the strange things about living here in Perth is that it can be cheaper to fly to Bali than to other parts of WA. If you time your holiday right, you could get to Malaysia, Hong Kong or Singapore cheaper than getting to Queensland. Everywhere is so far from Perth the comparisons are quite boggling. Perth to Broome is 2176 kilometres, the equivalent of flying from London to St. Petersburg.  I’ve done the Broome trip on a Greyhound bus and I certainly regretted I wasn’t on a plane to Russia by the end of it.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:50 AM EST
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