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Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Benefits of Having Internet
Internet to me is a means of being aware of my social surrounding. It started off as a means of acquiring unlimited information using search engines, the most popular being Google. But today, the internet has evolved from being a source of information to a platform for people to be connected. Social websites like face book, yahoo, twitter, LinkedIn are used by thousands of individuals on professional and personal fronts to connect with other people. It provides means for instant communication, business works, money transactions and so many more. Today the internet is also providing online jobs to people by staying at home itself. This increases its feasibility. Today almost all work can be done through internet. It keeps us sound to events happening all over the world in a matter of minutes.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:08 AM EST
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My Motivation
I had a rough time growing up because I was picked on, used, taken advantage of and treated badly in other ways by those I cared about most. It still happens occasionally, but I'm better able to deal with it now that I'm grown. The main reason I can deal so well is the fact that I'm the mother of three beautiful daughters. They're five; three and two and I know I have to be strong for them. I have to show them how to handle their problems correctly. Falling apart would do them a disservice because I want them to be able to hold it together in the face of adversity. They truly do motivate me to be a better, healthier person.

Posted by coriwbaker at 12:05 AM EST
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Friday, 6 January 2012
Value Moderation
Most people when attending parties do not know the value of moderation in drinks, foods and conversation. Most get drunk. With that, they are not aware of their actions. Ladies in particular have to be cautious of drunk people. They will never know if they will be taken advantage or not. A taser gun would be great equipment for protection for women who can barely defend themselves physically. Also for ladies, avoid making negative comments especially on the party host or just about anything. Don’t make the party a venue for venting your frustrations about the world because this might start a fight.

Posted by coriwbaker at 7:00 AM EST
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Favorite Game As A Child
My favorite game as a child was always kickball. Nothing was better than running out of the classroom in elementary school and to the playground to hopefully be picked for the “Good” team. Having a natural competitive drive I always wanted to beat the opposing team and kick the ball as far as humanly possible. One of my favorite memories from this game was being “up to bat” on the playground and kicking the ball, watching it soar through the air and somehow by pure luck watching the ball “swoosh” right through the hoop of basketball net. Prior to it happening no one had ever seen it done and it made me the envy of the playground, well at least for a few hours!

Posted by coriwbaker at 6:59 AM EST
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Party Ready?
The first and last month of the year is peppered with many activities and parties. If you always want to be on everyone’s A-list, remember the basic etiquette at social gatherings. It is given that during parties, you should brush up your social skills. Remember to be as gracious as you can be, and of course, be yourself. But how party prepared are you? Before rushing your way to the party, prioritize safety. Are you traveling alone or with some friends? Even if you have your own car or travelling with a group, you must bring something you can use for defense like tazer guns. After all, you are never sure what to happen on your way to the party.

Posted by coriwbaker at 6:59 AM EST
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Purrrrectly Scary!
I am an animal lover and have been as long as I can remember. However even though I an animal lover that does no mean I am not scared of any of them. Actually I don't know when or how my fears started, and I don't have one specific one particularly. I am afraid of any animals bigger than me, such as cows, horses, donkeys, and etc. I mean I can force myself to go around them, but I can just as easily head the other direction. Especially if I don't know their behavior, they move quickly, kick, or rear up. I never and I mean NEVER stand behind one of these animals either. So those are the type of animals I fear, my top fear is an insect but that is another story in itself.

Posted by coriwbaker at 5:51 AM EST
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X-Mas Excitement! Oh My!
Why does Christmas excite me? Everything about Christmas excites me!! The lights, the decoration, the music, the feeling!!Most of all which most people forget, which is the meaning of Christmas. I love to drive around at night and look at all the beautiful sparkling lights, whimsical decoration, the smiles on children's faces when sitting on Santa's lap. I love to sit on the couch watching all the old Christmas movies, like Charlie Brown's Christmas. How can you not like watching all of them....and remembering tv Christmas phrases like "Every time a bell rings and angel gets their wings!". I think of that every time I hear any bells, including the bell ringers. I also love to see people giving the time to ring those bells, collect those toys, carolling, and etc.

Posted by coriwbaker at 5:48 AM EST
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Monday, 26 December 2011
A Great Neutral Gift
Are you looking for a Christmas gift for someone that you don’t know what they particularly like? When this is the case then it is better that you choose gift that is neutral and that can anyone can like. That way, you wouldn’t make a mistake in choosing a gift for them and at the same time they would like it. One of the best neutral gifts you can give is self defense weapons such as a taser. This gift can be use for both men and women. It is very useful because you can use it to protect yourself against criminals and when you are being attacked.

Posted by coriwbaker at 6:14 AM EST
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Sleepless Nights
The past week, I had my series tests in college. Doing my third semester in B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering there is quite a lot to learn. There are 6 theory papers & 2 practical papers. Had to spent all night going through these portions & notes. The exams were terrible & I don’t expect to pass in a few. Mathematics & Discrete Computation Structures were the toughest. The  week was a bummer. But in the end of the week me & my friends we managed to go for a couple of movies. We even had a Seminar at college, on “Anti ragging”, aimed at  controlling ragging in the college. We didn’t understand why such a seminar was necessary since ragging is not common in campus. This was my past week.

Posted by coriwbaker at 6:12 AM EST
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Tasers As Gifts
Christmas season is here once again and this means time for shopping for gift. There are many gifts that you can choose from but if you need to give a gift to a person that you really don’t know what they like, you can choose something general and useful at the same time. Why don’t you give tasers as gifts? This object is very useful because it can protect anyone and can be use by anyone. There is no age specific and gender specific about it. Not only that ,having this self defense weapon can protect you at all time, which makes this a perfect Christmas gift.

Posted by coriwbaker at 6:10 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 26 December 2011 6:11 AM EST
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